Many Blessings

This morning I sing, because I have many blessings.  Sometimes we tend to overlook the small things that God has done.  We can sometimes take for granted the very things that other people may be lacking.  My many blessings include my everyday needs.

I may not have a mansion, but I have a roof over my head.  I may not drive a Bentley, but I have a vehicle to get around in.  I may not wear designer labels, but I have clothes on my back.  I may not eat at five star restaurants  but there is food on the table.  I may not be what society says is beautiful, but I am made in the image of my Father.  I may not be where I need to be, but I thank God I am not where I used to be.

I have health, strength, my beautiful babies, and family.  I have my life, opportunities, dreams,and most important above all I have my heavenly Father.  Abba Father God I love you and thank you for my many blessings.


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