
Showing posts from 2015

Many Blessings

This morning I sing, because I have many blessings.  Sometimes we tend to overlook the small things that God has done.  We can sometimes take for granted the very things that other people may be lacking.  My many blessings include my everyday needs. I may not have a mansion, but I have a roof over my head.  I may not drive a Bentley, but I have a vehicle to get around in.  I may not wear designer labels, but I have clothes on my back.  I may not eat at five star  restaurants   but there is food on the table.  I may not be what society says is beautiful, but I am made in the image of my Father.  I may not be where I need to be, but I thank God I am not where I used to be. I have health, strength, my beautiful babies, and family.  I have my life, opportunities, dreams,and most important above all I have my heavenly Father.  Abba Father God I love you and thank you for my many blessings.

An Ode to Motherhood

An Ode to Motherhood Being a mother is more than just wearing a title It is a calling  It is a job It is a blessing  That is bestowed upon all women it is more than just singing your children to sleep It is more than just reading them stories at bedtime What about  the moments: When your child was born When he/she babbled his/her first words What about the moment they walked for the first time Or they had an accident on the playground What about the first time you taught her how to ride her bike Or you cheered them on at their soccer game How about all the times that she was sick And wanted you to hold her hand  And feed her chicken soup You can remember every ceremony, ball game, dance, and everything that your child has done You look for every smile and every opportunity to be there for your children You are blessed as a mother I am blessed to be a mother Titus 2: 4-5 says "So that they may encourage the young women to tenderl

Believing God for The Unseen

Hope is believing in the things that have not yet manifested.  It is trusting God for those things that you have need.  It is having faith, and telling that mountain to move.  Hope is believing God for the unseen things, yet you know that the blessing  is coming.  You can see the vision, and you have written it down.  You have spoken the words, and the words are in your mouth, heart, and your spirit. You have declared it in Jesus's name that all things are possible through the Lord Jesus Christ.  You have prepared yourself for the blessing.  Well my friends the scripture says "If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer."  By the supernatural power of God blessings are coming your way.  Keep your mind steadfast and stay focused on Jesus!  Trust, declare, confess, speak, and believe in what you have need of, or what you want God to do for you. In the book of John 20:27 "Stop doubting and believe"  In the book of John 20:29 he say

Performing Can I


Be All inspired Inspiration


Be All Inspired


New Life

Welcome to the summer!!  It has been a long time since I have posted to my blog.  The children and I have completed our first year of home school, and we are enjoying the summer. Today I want to briefly talk about new life, and what it means to start over.  I am so excited about what God is doing in my life.  I have recently graduated college, and have plans to have another child.  Yes you have read it I am on the journey to motherhood again, and have decided to document everything through my blog. Before I expand my family there are a few things that I have to do.  I have to lose weight, change my eating habits, and make some lifestyle changes that will ensure a healthy pregnancy and baby.  So for the next six months I will be on a very happy and healthy journey. I believe that we should not be a prisoner to our past.  There is some point in our lives that we have to forget the former things that have past away.  In order to be able to move forward we should not li

Keep Going Through The Storm

Okay, I have started this new book series that I think will be a real blessing to many people, and I have all the ideas in place.  I have written the first draft, and have decided to write at least five pages a day until it is complete.  With the school year almost in completion I am thinking about what the summer is going to bring.  During this time we are looking at camp, sports, and maybe a vacation. The children are trying to adjust to all the new changes that we had to deal with over the last month.  With the death of my mother we are trying to get back on track.  I for one am trying to get back to work, and get everything organized.  I had to take some time off from writing to make sure that the children, and I were okay with all that was going on.  There is nothing in this life that can prepare you for when a loved one departs this life, but for the most part God has been good to us. Now it is time to get to what I do best.  Inspiration at its finest!  I have some good thing

Peace Be Still

I could not seem to fall asleep last night, and I was constantly thinking of my mother, and how she exited this world.  There is constant reminder that she was here.  When I walk into her room I can still smell her perfume.  Her pillow still smells like the shampoo that she used to wash her hair.  Her clothes are still hanging in the closet, and her journal is still on the desk by the window. Mother, had a sweet spirit, and this day reminds me of her warmth and love.  We loved to sit and drink coffee on cold days like this, and she told me stories of her childhood with the family.  I had a dream that she opened her eyes, and she had a sweet smile on her face.  I have read scripture after scripture, and verse after verse that says how good God is.  Yes, the Lord is good in every way that I can think of. God's beauty is evident even in the event of death.  He comforts us, and he leads us to a place of peace.  We can trust God in all things.  We just need to know when to be still,

Without A Moment's Notice

Today my daughter had a loose tooth, and it was very painful for her to eat anything harder than pudding.  I had offered to pull the tooth, but she was too afraid to let me touch it.  She had an extreme fear that it was going to hurt too much.  After a few attempts to eat breakfast Keara became very frustrated.  A few hours had passed, and she was tired of struggling to eat. I said "Okay, can I look at your tooth now?  I will not hurt you."  In a moment's notice she kept her eyes on me, and I gently extracted  her loose tooth.    Sometimes we have to be like little children, and learn to let go and let God.  We must learn to trust God in every situation.  Even in a worst case scenarios we can trust God.  There are times that we may be very vulnerable to life, but God's love and grace keeps us in perfect peace. My mother's death has come as a shock, and the pain can sometimes feel unbearable.  I have chosen to trust God with every situation, and I am keepi

Just a Greeting

Sometimes you really don't need a reason to speak to a friend.  No matter how busy one may be it only takes a minute of time to give a few kind words or wish someone a good night.  You may not get a thank you in return or you may not receive a metal for being kind, but the reward comes from knowing that you added something positive to that person's day. Here is to wishing you something a little positive. The Word of God is food for the soul