
Showing posts from November, 2011

Never Give Up On Your Dreams

  One thing I have learned is to never give up.  As long as we live trials will come in our lives.  I believe that storms come in the form of tests.  Sometimes these storms can be tests that can thrust us to the next level.  When I look back over my life I am  thankful to God for trial and test.  What I have endured has made me stronger.  In times of trouble I have learned to depend on God.  He is a shelter in times of a storm.  Be encouraged today, and be of good cheer.  There are always blue skies after it rains. God is good all of the time, and he is worthy of all my praise.


Lord I give thanks to you For all you have done in my life As I sit in your presence I can see all that you have blessed me with I am taking this moment To show an attitude of gratitude Being thankful that you are The Kings of kings and Lord of Lords I thank you Lord for your mercy and grace I love you and thank you From the bottom of my heart My family is blessed because of you "The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord makes his face shine upon you; And be gracious unto you; The Lord lift up his countenance upon you; And give you peace"  Numbers 6:24-26
God is good in all of his ways.  I will be thankful for all that he does in my life.  When you think that all hope is gone God will come in a hurry.  As I look back over my life I am thankful for mercy, and grace.  I am glad that I am living, and can share my joy with others.  I pray that the Lord will bless each and every one over the holiday season.

Help In Times of Trouble

O God whom I praise do not remain silent for wicked and deceitful men have opened their mouths against me; they have spoken against me with their lying tongues With words of hatred they surround me they attack me without cause In return for my friendship they accuse me but I am a man of prayer They repay me evil for good and hatred for my friendship Psalm 107:1-5 Lord thank you for your protection in all situations.  I thank you for life and the love that you give.  I give you all of my praise and worship, and all that is in me.  As we go into this holiday season God I hope that you will always be with us .  In Jesus name I pray Amen.


Praise  the Lord Praise God in his Sanctuary Praise Him is His mighty heavens Praise him for his acts of power Praise him for his surpassing greatness Praise him with the sounding of the trumpet praise him with the harp and lyre praise him with tambourine and dancing praise him with the string and flute praise him with the clash of symbols Let everything that has breath praise the Lord Praise the Lord   Psalm 150 Thank you Father for this day.  I will rest in your mercy, and your truth. You O Lord are always worthy of my praise and so much more.

A Poem of Love

This Holy Place” Here I am Lord to worship you I am so proud of all that you do We know that this is a holy place Lord we long to see your face I have a longing in my heart I hope that we will never part Lord we are in a holy place You are the light of my life I bow down to you It is your grace Lord That makes the spirit rise I love you Lord And I recognize This is a holy place We sing amazing grace Lord we know that this is A holy place Lord we long to see your face We know you are coming Lord Lord we come to lift your name on high We lift our hands up to the sky Lord we come to worship you Lord we come looking towards the throne You are God alone Lord we come in this place To give you praise (Come to give you praise) Lord we come With our hearts ready to receive Lord we believe That you are worthy I am so in love with you Lord I can not afford

The Need for Healing and Knowing When to Forgive Yourself

Yesterday I had a very interesting conversation with a woman that was struggling with a heavy weight.  She had appeared to be in pain, and and really had something on her mind.  The look in her eyes had shown that she was very sad.  As we were sipping our tea I was waiting for her to start the conversation.  I did not press for information, because I am a friend.  *Jill had tears in her eyes as she told the story about having an abortion.  She had claimed that the guilt started the moment after the procedure.  I reached for her hand to assure her that God is always going to love her.  The Bible says "For God so love the world that he gave His one and only Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life" John 3:16. I wanted Jill to know that we all have done things that we are not proud off.  I do not know anyone that has not made a mistake.  The most important factor is too forgive yourself, and move on.  When we hang on to things of the past; we are