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  A mother is more than a mother she is a beacon of light.  Some people say we should not celebrate Mother’s Day, but in actuality there should be a daily celebration of motherhood.  It is more than pushing out babies.  There is the constant caring, and nurturing of a mother.  Your children become the most important thing in your life.   My mother was a very great woman.  She was beautiful in my eyes.  I should say she was a hero.  I loved my mother for playing the role of mother and father. She was an example of strength.  Many women today are defining motherhood in a different light.  Some women are choosing to be single mothers.  They have made a choice to parent without the aid of a father.  Now that is true strength. I am a single mother though not by choice have found the strength, and knowledge to raise four children on my own.  In my case I don’t have the village that most people have.   In light of this situation motherhood has taught me how to stand up in the sight of adversi

Depression What It Looks Like

This is a story of a mother of four who suffered from extreme depression.  It’s almost like she lived in a glass house in the middle of a thunderstorm.  She had taken a vow of silence in her life to keep everything together.  In layman’s terms she had to lie like everything was okay when it was really falling apart.  Getting out of bed was a challenge.  She just lay in bed for hours daydreaming, and night dreaming about the perfect life.  She had dreams of the perfect husband, house, and life.  In reality things were rather empty, and the opposite of what she felt in her heart.  There was no supportive husband, or family.  She was there alone.  She said “I write from a lonely place .”  I journal to ease my pain.  I express my feelings from a dying soul, an empty spirit, and a vessel with very little in it.  Deep in her heart she knows that no one understands her pain.  That silent cry that she wishes everybody can here.  She bares her soul to that one person who may have a clue but rea

Wednesday Prayer

 Lord I know that not everyone is going to happy for me or with me But I thank you for your existence in my life Lord help me to accept things I can’t change Give the strength to change those things that look impossible  Lord when friends forsake me  When the world is on my shoulders When I feel like I can’t make it God you are there  My prayer is that you never leave