
Showing posts from July, 2021

Love Worth Finding

  God, is the epitome of love.  All our lives are centered around the creator.  I believe that God has done everything out of love.  He created the world in love.  He gave his only begotten son in love.  His love is free, and there are no barriers that can keep us from him.  There are so many scriptures that tell us how we can find the love of God. Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 1 Corinthians 13:4-5 Do everything in love. 1 Corinthians 16:14 Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my lifePsalm 143:8 There is love worth finding.  Gof has spoken the language of Love throughout the Bible.  We are made from that love? and we can show others how to find love.  In the context finding love means finding God.  People that are unloved find

Prayer for Friday

 Lord God I need you to be an anchor in my life today Look over my family  My friends My children And yes Lord bless my enemies You are God On whom I can depend  No matter what comes my way I will depend on you You are the Lord my God On whom I can depend  Lord God you have been my safety net Let this be another day that the Lord has made It is well with me In Jesus name Amen May the Lord bless you with peace and prosperity 

Understanding The Need For A God Kind of Love

  We need to see that the world is in need of love.  People need to see examples and displays of love.  They need to hear and feel what love is.  We live in a world today where love is not displayed.  There is division, and there is separation, yet no real displays of love.  Love covers a multitude of sins.  Love will look past ones faults, and love will endure all things.   We need to learn to love God’s way.  Even though his ways are not our ways, and his thoughts are not our thoughts we need to think in his likeness and Spirit.  Our daily walk should be a love walk.  We must understand that our journey with God is one of love.  He is the essence and the epitome of love.  We were made from love.  He created us in love, and his command was for us to love one another. We are Gods handiwork, and we are his craftsmanship.  Understanding the essence of love will help you to understand God as he is in love. I understand that God is what love is.  His true identity is manifested from his lo

When Love Goes Wrong

  What happens when Love Goes Wrong We have all seen the results of love when it goes wrong.  In this hour we all stand as witnesses when the love of God is missing in our world.  In the mist of leadership you can seen, and bear witness to the lack of a God kind of love.  Division in the people, in which the Bible states there shall be no division among us, yet the world is a witness of how a lack of love has been generated.  Our division can be seen in Black and White, or a separation of. Plot.  It can seen politically, or in a separation of political beliefs.  You can even see the division in socioeconomic status.  The rich does not mingle with the poor. It was Jesus who became poor for our sake, so that we may be rich.  It says the Sin of man, and the Son of God had no place to lay his head, yet he sacrificed himself so that We may be made whole and free, yet our people from every corner is self loathing in hate, division, and mockery.  How can God be pleased with us as a people?  W

Patience And A God Kind of Love Part One

  One thing that I am learning as a believer is to have patience.   The god kind of love requires us to have patience.  In all my life I am a witness that we have to have the love of God in order to reach people.  The Bible says love is patient, and it is kind.  You can find this scripture in Corinthians 13:4.   In learning about a God kind of love IO can see why it is God’s first command.  Most of the world have very little patience with each other.  The lack of love and interaction can be seen globally.  Even during the holidays there is a lack of love that can be seen through out the globe.  In the Bible it says “Love thy neighbor as thyself”. Do we really honor that commandment?   When you think of love it should be kind.  When was the last time you patiently waited for God to answer your prayer?  Have you ever wanted something so bad, you had to pray day and night?   We must wait patiently on God to hear our prayers.  In the Bible it says to Rejoice in hope and patient in tribulat

Why We Should Have A God Kind Of Love

  In life it is so important to learn to love.  There have been so many reasons given to us in the Bible concerning love, and how it can affect us in our everyday lives.  As believers we have some of the greatest examples that have been given to us to remember and cherish.  Look at the best, and the greatest example of all examples that has been given unto us.  That is the love of Jesus Christ.  He gave his life for our sins.  I will put it this way he made a sacrifice for everybody.  He did not leave out any individuals.  Unlike man he did not discriminate.  He did not say I cannot save you, because you are too white,black, short,fat, or skinny.  The list could go on and on, but I think you get the concept.  Because of love Jesus Christ made himself a living sacrifice, and an example of love.  He had love for the Father, because ha had learned disobedience.  I am almost certain that Jesus would have objected his assignment without love and obedience.   Think about it for a minute.  Wh