
Showing posts from March, 2014

Choices and Christian Motherhood

When I look at the world that we live in I have to ask myself some questions.  As a mother should I be strict on my children, or give them a little freedom?  As a Christian parent should I allow the kids to watch all cartoons?  Do certain celebrities have an impact on my children's lives?  These are just a few of the questions that I ask myself each day.  As a mom what should I do? With so much new technology children have a chance to access anything from any location.  I think that media plays an important role in what children are viewing and hearing.  With the click of a button they can see anything on the Internet.  One touch of the remote, and kids are looking at all kinds of music videos.  Is all this media really healthy for developing minds? The other day my daughter was watching a music video of a very famous singer.  She looked at me, and said she wanted to be just like her.  Immediately I asked her what she liked about the singer.  She said "Mommy the singe

Prayer For God to Protect Our Children

Lord I would like to offer a prayer for our dear children.  Lord I am so glad that you are watching over me, and my family.  God there are so many people out there in this world that are lost, hungry, and in need.  Families have been torn apart, and lives have been lost from trouble. Right now God I pray for the millions of children, and teenagers that are struggling with depression, and suicide.  God the children that have lost their parents due to a tragedy.  I pray for the child that is living with the pain of a separation, or a young girl that is facing drugs. I can not be silent knowing that children are suffering.  God they need you as much as we do if not more.  I lift up my hands God.  Asking that you revive this generation that is coming forward.  By your mercy and grace God you will stop the attack of the enemy on our children. I thank you Lord for all that you have done.  I know that children are a blessing, and they are certainly precious gifts from above Ephesians