
Showing posts from December, 2021

Prayer for Thursday

 Dear Lord  Today God We need you to rain on us We need your Spirit  To rain down on us Oh Holy God of fire Help your people We stand in awe of you O God We are your sons We are your daughters We shall bow down to you O Lord  You are God And we honor you today Amen

Being Barren

 Yesterday I had started a series that has been talking about the barrenness of the womb.  In fact I shared a story about Sarah, and how she had dealt with infertility, and being a barren woman. Just to recap on what has been written.  To be barren means to be infertile. unfruitful, or desolate.  In this case we are talking about barrenness, or unable to have children.  The story of Sarah has really touched my heart, as I was one that was once barren, but God has sense opened my womb, and blessed me with four children. Today I would like to continue our topic, and touch on the story of Hannah. I was so inspired by the stories of this woman that my first daughter has the name of  Hannah.  If you remember the story of Hannah, you know that her story is very unique.  She was the wife of a man named Elkanah, and she had become the mother of Samuel.  In Samuel 1 where the story of Hannah begins, you can see why her story is so unique.  Just like Sarah, Hannah was a faithful, and devoted wif

A Prayer for Tuesday

 Dear God Today let my light shine For the world to see The God that is in me Let me be The hands and feet of Christ The voice of the silent I walk with you God Rain down Lord  Fall fresh on me today In Jesus name  Amen