
Showing posts from August, 2021

Friday Prayer

 Dear Lord This morning we need a blessing  We need a Word We need an understanding  We need hope That all things work  For those of us that believe in you We have faith Faith  That all things are working  According to your plans Yes God Your mercy and your grace Shall be with us today Yes God You shall supply all of our needs  In the name of Jesus  All things Shall be well with us Thank God I’m Jesus name Amen

Wednesday Prayer

 Father God Thank you Lord I give thanks because you love me I give thanks because you provide for me I give thanks because you woke me up With a new song of praise Help me God to make the best of my day Help me to understand your plans Help me to do my best Today Thank you Lord For provision  Health Wealth  Stability  I could not do it without you Father In Jesus name Amen

A Mother’s Depression let’s Talk

  This is a story of a mother of four who suffered from extreme depression.  It’s almost like she lived in a glass house in the middle of a thunderstorm.  She had taken a vow of silence in her life to keep everything together.  In layman’s terms she had to lie like everything was okay when it was really falling apart.  Getting out of bed was a challenge.  She just lay in bed for hours daydreaming, and night dreaming about the perfect life.  She had dreams of the perfect husband, house, and life.  In reality things were rather empty, and the opposite of what she felt in her heart.  There was no supportive husband, or family.  She was there alone.  She said “I write from a lonely place .”  I journal to ease my pain.  I express my feelings from a dying soul, an empty spirit, and a vessel with very little in it.  Deep in her heart she knows that no one understands her pain.  That silent cry that she wishes everybody can here.  She bares her soul to that one person who may have a clue but

Random Thoughts

There are quite a few things that I have never understood in this life.  Like a man that had a craving for the attention of many women when he had a beautiful woman that adored him.  I never quite understood a woman who had the most handsome King, yet she still had a need for bad men.  Why are millionaires still greedy when they have everything that money could buy?  You can’t pay most of the world to be kind, because they hate and discriminate for free?  The whole world is full of empty, and hateful people.  This cannot be true in some cases, but who really has a heart to love?  Most of the world now have no belief in God, the Bible, or Jesus, yet they believe more in the Universe, idols, crystals, or nature.  I am not infringing on the rights of others, and as a human you have the right to believe as you please, but know that there will be a day that all we believe in as individuals will be put to the test.  I was driving downtown, and saw a group of homeless people.  They were all r

The Gift of the Holy Spirit

  It says that God will send a comforters for it mentions the gift of speaking in Tongues in the books of Acts.   I have seen many people fall under the power of the Holy Spirit, and I seen the power that it has rendered.  To be touched by the Spirit we recognize that this force is one of great power.   We must see that the Holy Spirit is here to help us do ministry.  Without the assistance of the Holy Spirit would we be able to complete the mandate.  One in the same nature of Christ.  Our spirit takes on the same nature of Jesus.   As believers we have the help of the Holy Spirit to help us in battle.  We do not fight in the physical, but we war in the Spirit.  All demons can be casted out with the help of the Holy Spirit.   We are to fight with the weapons that have been provided unto us.  We have a Sword that is the Word of God.  In the reading it mentions that we have the language of tongues.  We have the blood of Jesus, and the gifts of the Spirit.   I have learned that the devil

Dealing With Rejection

Today we are looking at rejection, the different ways that we can, or have been rejected.  I have learned of many types of rejection there is, and how many times I have personally been rejected. I have seen many others go through rejection, and have managed to be set free, but what about the ones that deal with rejection, and they cannot find freedom from hurt, and pain that plague them.   To my understanding there is identifiable rejection that we must learn to decipher.  No rejection is good , but you can learn to handle rejection by its level of importance.  The reading mentions that if you are rejected from a school, position etc you can easily apply for another school or position, and it is usually easy to process.  On the other hand it is harder to process rejection based on a family issue, racism, an abusive past, or something like dealing with rape , or incest.   It is true that the deeper the rejection the harder it is to heal there is  hope for you.  The readings tell us five