
Showing posts from September, 2019

Prayer for the Hurting

This prayer is for those that may be in a season of pain right now I dedicate this to you Dear LORD I am in a season of pain I do not know where to turn I am at the end of my rope And I am in a time of trouble LORD I need you now I need you to come to me now I have a need LORD And I Have come to you My life is in a mess LORD ONLY you can help me out I know that I can count on you today You are my God And I love you LORD You assure me And you give me hope I love you FATHER I thank you FATHER for all that you are going to do In JESUS name Amen Evangelist Amanda Matthews is a minister of the Written Word and founder of Virtuosity Ministries.

Prayer on This Thursday

Dear LORD Today I walk in your perfect peace I walk in your presence LORD And I give you all the glory GOD I ask that you bless my bread and water today May there be healing in my body May I have a wave of peace Whatever I may have need of GOD I know that you will provide it Because you love me I have an assurance That you will provide all that I need Father I thank you on this day For provide in all that I need In you I lack nothing And I am thankful For everything that you have given In Jesus name I pray Amen